It’s been a busy few weeks at the office, hence a distinct lack of Blogging *slaps wrists* but hopefully, we can get back on track with regular blog posts at least for the coming weeks.
Over the past few weeks we have been building communities, not only online like the recently launched Hollinwood Work Club that you can see in our portfolio but in real life, that’s it, you heard us correctly, The Andy’s left the office!
As some of you may know both andyh and I spent some time working out of a co-working and Makerspace called DoES Liverpool, this was a fantastic, creative environment to work in and we want to bring something similar to Oldham.
Working with the freelance community of Oldham, we are on our way to creating Hack Oldham, we have been having monthly meetings at The Bank Top Tavern, and tomorrow we have our first event #HackTheLibrary, a free event that will be held each month at Oldham Library to help introduce the community to the idea of making and co-working.