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Pressillion vs WPEngine

Why Choose Pressillion Over WP Engine

Both WP Engine and ourselves at Pressillion share a primary focus on WordPress hosting services, yet each operates with distinct business approaches and pricing models. We often field inquiries from potential clients seeking a comparison between our services. Here, we aim to delineate the fundamental differences fairly and accurately for those seeking insights into Pressillion versus WP Engine as the preferred choice for their business.

You get a higher performance at a lower price



Lowest Plan
Vertical Scaling
1-click scaling RAM, CPU & Storage
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Cloud Providers
Multiple providers
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Sites Included
Hosting Type
Cloud servers
Cloud serversCloud serversShared hostingShared hostingShared hostingCloud serversCloud serversCloud servers

Business approach

WP Engine stands as a managed WordPress hosting provider renowned for premium services. They’re among the pioneering and largest providers in this realm, hosting approximately 1 million websites, catering primarily to the lower to mid-end managed WordPress hosting market, and frequently favored by SMEs.

Having undergone multiple rounds of funding with significant investments, their focus on shareholder return on investment (ROI) remains a top priority. Conversely, we empower users to craft their own managed WordPress hosting.

Rather than leasing constrained resources directly from a host, our SaaS platform enables the provisioning and management of enterprise-capable WordPress servers. Our clientele primarily consists of WordPress agencies and developers.

In terms of funding, Pressillion has received a seed round, including a strategic investment. We retain full control over our business and its direction, allowing us to invest in crucial areas as we see fit.


WP Engine operates by leasing a segment of their servers, which they rent and equip with their software stack. Their plans enforce strict limitations on bandwidth and visits. Despite the term “managed,” user reports indicate that critical website errors, downtimes, or server issues may not automatically prompt their intervention.

While they offer a user-friendly UI with convenient one-click options for website management, the “managed” aspect might not cover certain critical scenarios.

Pressillion, in contrast, enables users to provision servers from various providers like DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, AWS, and other quality VPS providers. You retain control over infrastructure, utilizing our software and control panel to manage websites and servers. Moreover, our support team is available 24/7.

Pricing model

WP Engine’s pricing hinges on somewhat unclear metrics that could lead to additional charges upon exceeding predefined limitations. Their emphasis on metrics like page visits has sparked complaints, often compelling users to upgrade plans due to restricted resources like PHP workers, potentially inflating costs beyond necessity. This limitation is a significant factor prompting agencies to switch to Pressillion.

Pressillion adopts a transparent pricing model with set plans for both servers and individual websites so that you can scale up or down to optimise operational costs. Our server plans do not impose predefined limitations, nor do they impose arbitrary restrictions on page views or bandwidth. Pricing remains predictable, allowing your servers to handle their capacities without surprise charges.

However, unlike other hosting companies we appreciate that as an agency you may wish to add websites without utilising an entire server. So we provide the capability to host single websites within a container (with its own resources, CPU, RAM, storage and bandwidth) on one of our servers, alowing you to take advantage of discounted pricing while still having the perfomance and security you require.

Pricing comparison

WP Engine’s pricing initiates at $30/month for a single regular site and $115/month for 10 sites, including multisite networks. Their plans offer certain features not included in Pressillion, such as the option to use the Genesis Framework and Studiopress child themes, along with a CDN.

However, with the cost savings experienced through Pressillion, affording licenses like Genesis and leveraging cost-effective CDNs like BunnyCDN becomes feasible. That’s not to say you can’t use other CDN’s, you can ulilise any CDN provider with our platform.

In contrast, Pressillion incorporates multiple features absent in WP Engine, including, full root access, server customisation options, hourly and offsite backups, DNS and WAF integration. Our plans range from just £3.00/month for a single site container through to £3,912 for a top of the line optimised server with everything in between available, from providers such as AWS, Digital Ocean, Linode, Vultr and Google Cloud.


Both WP Engine and Pressillion offer 24/7 support with a dedicated focus on WordPress-specific assistance, distinguishing them from generalized service providers.

The primary distinction lies in the incentive structure. Pressillion does not seek to upsell server resources since our revenue model doesn’t hinge on it. We offer the freedom to tailor servers according to website requirements, providing guidance on optimisation rather than pushing for upgrades.

In comparison, WP Engine’s support is constrained by platform limitations, often suggesting plan upgrades for requirements outside the preset mold, which is their sole recourse.

Stack and performance

WP Engine relies on an Nginx stack optimised for WordPress, boasting performance superior to typical shared hosting. However, their infrastructure details remain undisclosed, featuring a standardised service ideal for simpler WordPress websites. However, accommodating higher demands, like eCommerce, learning management systems, or high-traffic sites, might incur substantial costs.

Pressillion, as a platform offer default setups that suit most WordPress sites, but users can fine-tune settings for specific requirements, which isn’t an option with WP Engine.

In terms of performance, Pressillion confidently competes with any managed hosting company. Both Pressillion and WP Engine have participated in annual testing, achieving top-tier recognition.

In summary

Pressillion caters to WordPress agencies and professionals aiming to establish their hosting services, offering substantial savings as businesses scale.

Pressillion suits WordPress agencies/professionals, while WP Engine is more suitable for individual website owners or developers uninterested in offering WordPress hosting for recurring revenue.

Pressillion empowers users to create enterprise-capable servers, offering multiple features not found in WP Engine.

Pressillion avoids arbitrary limitations on resources and includes additional features at no extra charge, unlike WP Engine.

Choosing between services depends on factors like the number of websites, expected traffic, and business objectives.

Ultimately, if you operate one or two websites with relatively low traffic, WP Engine might be suitable. However, for WordPress agencies or developers seeking revenue growth from hosting services, Pressillion offers significant cost savings, flexibility, and extensive support.

If your aim is to establish a high-end hosting service and secure a steady, predictable stream of monthly revenue for your WordPress business, Pressillion is poised to assist you on that transformative journey.

Ready to make us your new hosting partner?

Our WordPress experts deliver industry-leading managed WordPress hosting with top-tier performance, a 100% uptime SLA, and 24/7 expert support.