Whether you’re a marketer, a sales rep, a podcaster, or just an individual seeking to create new relationships, you’ll find a guest post email template to suit your needs.

Let’s face it, email outreach should be a core tactic in your advertising plan. Promotion, prospecting, guest blogging, influencer marketing, building your personal brand, soliciting assessments and ratings, link building, and more can all benefit from the tactic.

And to be effective?

What you want is just one email outreach template that works.

Craft that one powerful template and all you need to do is to teak it slightly for each scenario you find yourself in.

These tested and proven templates will help you to send hundreds of emails in a fraction of the time it takes to send just one and won’t leave you sounding like they are automated.

Creating an effective outreach email strategy can be a real art form when done well. With a perfectly written email, you will increase your responses from the influencers you are trying to reach.

You can look out for good templates, but creating your own, unique email is much better. This is how you can create an email that will be better than the rest and get you noticed:

  • Do not use all caps- it will look more casual and it won’t look like a spam attack.
  • Make a proper introduction- Be polite and introduce yourself. Think of this mail as it is conference meeting. Explain who you are and where you are working.
  • Be Personal- Do little research about the person you are reaching out to. Learn about their work and some of their previous blogs. It won’t take too much time, but it will make a big difference than sending template mail to everyone.
  • Point out your value and purpose- Don’t brag too much about your successes and previous work. Get straight to the point. Simply tell them why are you the best fit and what will you deliver.
  • Call to action- Ask them nicely to help you out with a task that you have. If you are looking for guest post chance or maybe promotion of the product, ask them directly to do that.
  • Add brand signature- It is important to add some trustworthiness to your brand. It doesn’t have to be too excessive but make sure to include your name, company name, and contact details

Following these steps, will help you create your personal email template.

Let’s dive in.

1. Gain guest post links with this email template

Guest posts aren’t dead… in fact, far from it.

However landing guest posts on high authority sites isn’t as simple as it used to be. Bloggers are more aware now than ever before that a link is a valuable commodity.

With this template, however, you will be able to land guest blogging spots on sites with relative ease.

Topic: “Really appreciate this post of yours”

“Hey, {firstname}!

I’m an immense fan of {blog}. I just wanted to reach out to you because I have been enjoying your writing. The reality is, I accomplished {something you achieved} after reading your blog post: {link to a post of theirs}.

I know you are busy, so I don’t want to waste your time and energy.

I have a lot of concepts I think the {blog name} audience would definitely love, and I wondered if you’d be open to me writing a guest post.

Here are the titles I think would work well:
{Title 1}
{Title 2}
{Title 3}

So you can see my writing style, here are 2 of my recent posts:
{Your post 1}
{Your post 2}

Thanks for your time & consideration! I cannot wait to hear back from you.

{Your name}”

It’s easy, straightforward, private, and compelling. Fill in the blanks, and send it out.

2. Claim links with broken link building

Backlinks are the pillars of S.E.O. Without them, you’ll never rank, no matter how excellent your content. (At least till Google’s algorithms modify.)

Broken link building is a widely accepted technique for getting relatively easy backlinks. It works by finding broken links on a site you’d like a backlink from, then emailing the site owner to let them know concerning the broken link.

(&, of course, recommending they add your own, working link.)

There are quite a few online & desktop tools to make discovering them as uncomplicated as stepping into a Website address. A couple of excellent ones to attempt include:

Dead Link Checker – the free account checks the first 2000 links.
Online Broken Link Checker – the zero cost version is restricted to “only” 3000 pages.
Screaming Frog – this desktop application is a comprehensive S.E.O. spider tool that incorporates checking for dead links amongst its variety of tricks. The gratis version is limited to 500 pages.

Once you’ve identified a broken link or two, here’s a template to notify the site owner (part 1 of 2):

“Hey, {their name},

I was digging around for facts on {topic} today and came across your post: {link to their post}

This really is awesome! Lots of excellent advice. I even {implemented something, learned something}

In spite of this, I did find a number of broken links there. Let me know if you’d like me to send you the list I made.”

This really is a 2-parter due to the fact you need to see if they fundamentally care adequate to respond.

If they do write back, find astonishing replacements for the links (even if they aren’t from your site) & send part 2:

“No difficulty!

Here are the broken links I identified:
{Broken Link URL} + {Replacement URL}
BTW, I just wrote a post about {topic}: {post URL}

I thought it would be an amazing addition to the page.

Either way, hope this helps and keep up the fantastic work!

{Your Name}”

3. Resource page link building

One more comparatively straightforward method to get backlinks is by reaching out to the creators of resource pages. You could even snag a number of useful .edu links.

The simplest way to track them down is a remarkable old-fashioned Google search with many advanced search operators:

inurl:links And keyword
inurl:resources & keyword
“useful links” And “keyword”

Once you’ve identified one or two exceptional ones, use this script:

“Hey, {their name}!

I was digging around for facts on {topic} today and came across your resource page: {link to resource page}

This really is a awesome list of resources. I did not even know about much of them.

If you’re interested, I genuinely just wrote a guide on {topic}: {your URL}

It could make an awesome addition to your page.

Either way, keep up the fantastic work! Thanks for your time.
{Your Name}”

4. The “Guestographic” method

Brian Dean of Backlinko coined the term “Guestographic.”

In truth, he used it to increase his organic search traffic by 175.59%.

It’s a program of combining infographics +guest posting = guestographic.

Once you produce a high-quality infographic, you basically find several sites in your niche that could be contemplating posting it on their blog. Easy. The reality is, Venngage offers a lot of possibilities when you’re trying to find a professionally created infographic template.

Once you have got a list of awesome blogs to contact, send them Brian’s template:

“Hey, {their name},

I was on the hunt for info on {topic} this morning when I came across {their URL}.

I honestly like that you {talked about something critical, emphasized something, explained something}.

I effectively just put together an infographic on {topic}.

As a person who writes about {topic} quite a bit, I thought you might get a kick out of it.

Let me know if you wish to check it out.

{your name}”

5. Promote your blog before you have it

The single greatest mistake I see new – and even established – bloggers make is that they do not take sufficient time to promote their blog posts.

In truth, a range of high-profile influencers advise that promotion takes a larger chunk of time than even creation. Derek Halpern of Social Triggers recommends an 80/20 split.

Are you doing that?

With this procedure, you could practically guarantee traffic before you even hit publish… or before you even type a single word!

It involves finding influencers who might be interested by promoting your content, then sending those influencers an email to figure out their interest.

Pro Tip: A super easy technique to find influencers is with a searchable influencer database. Just type in a name or category & start adding folks to your list.

Once you’ve got your list compiled, it is time to reach out:

“Hey, {their name},

I just wanted to say, I’m a big fan of your work. I uniquely loved {link to one of their recent posts}.

Good stuff! {Insert key takeaway or funny comment}

I’m in reality publishing a post on {topic} subsequent week. Being a master at {topic}, I thought you might take pleasure in it.

Would you mind if I sent you the link when it goes live to get your feedback?

Thanks for your time,
{your name}”

If they say yes, boom. You have got yourself several heavyweight pre-promotion.

I also stated you can use this strategy before ever typing a word. It is a superb approach to see if a subject will be well-liked. If a couple of individuals get back to you, it could mean it is a bad topic or they are not interested.

Once you’ve published the post, send an email to those that mentioned yes:

“Hi {their name},

I just wanted to let you know that the post I talked about last week is live.

I’d genuinely love to get your feedback. Would you mind leaving a comment on the post?

{your name}”

I like to ask for a comment & feedback since, if they had a hand in sculpting the post, they’re likely to convey. In the event you need it, you can ask for a direct share instead.

6. Post-publish promotion

What in case you did not reach out to any individual before your post went live? Are you doomed?

Not at all. You can nonetheless ask for the share. It just may not be quite as effective.

On the plus side, you can send it to more folks than just your up-front influencers. You could also send this email to anybody who has an interest in your topic, like folks and sites in “shoulder niches.”

“Hey, {their name},

I acknowledged you are genuinely contemplating {topic}. I’d even wager to express your something of a guru.

I was asking yourself if you’d mind taking a consider a post I just published about {topic}:

Could you please give me a tiny feedback on the post? I’d honestly appreciate you leaving a comment.

Either way, keep up the fantastic work!

{your name}”

7. Columnist Request Email

If you’re a blogger for a small but distinguished site, and you want to broaden your audience by writing for a bigger publication then you need to send an email that strikes the perfect balance of professionalism and flattery.

What you need is a columnist outreach letter, which is very similar to writing a pitch letter to a magazine to become a regular contributor.

The letter should provide enough of your background and experience to draw the interest of the person you are querying, but should not be so packed with detail that it becomes overwhelming.

Subject: Columnist for {Publication Name}

Body: Hi {First Name},

I hope you’re well.

I’m just getting in touch because I’m a reader and regular commenter on {Publication name}. I’m the {Job title} of {Company name}, {On-line Description of Business}.

I’m looking to further build my reputation within the industry by writing for a select few key {Industry type} publications (hence why I’m getting in touch with you).

Currently, I’m a regular contributor to {Website Name} and the {Website Name}, amongst a few others (including my own blog – {URL here}) and it would be great to partner with {Website Name} to become a columnist.

You can check out my full credentials on my LinkedIn page (I sent you a connection request today) – {LinkedIn profile URL}

Here’s an example of some recent articles I’ve written:

URL of an article written by the individual
URL of an article written by the individual
URL of an article written by the individual

I’ve had {X Number of Years} experience within the {Industry type} industry, so could offer a lot to your readers. Alongside this, I’d be happy to meet any deadlines that you put in place.

Let me know if you need any more information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

{Signature and title}

8. Podcast, guest spot or interview

Becoming a guest on my first podcast was 1 of the most gratifying feelings I’ve ever had.

It makes you feel, for lack of a better word, legit. Like a hotshot.

Plus, it’s a amazing approach to establish brand awareness, be noticed as an authority, drive traffic, & even get backlinks for Search engine optimization. Four birds, 1 stone.

Once you’ve found a few podcasts you’d like to be on, hit ’em with this:

“Hey, {their name},

I’m a Big fan of your podcast. I particularly liked {episode} for the reason that {takeaway or comment}.

You consistently put out some of the finest podcasts I have ever heard, & that is why I’m reaching out to you. I’d genuinely like to be a guest on your show.

{Quick intro about you, why you’d be an awesome guest. Link to an about page on your site.}

(Optional) To give you a better thought about what I’m like on the mic, here are quite a few other podcast episodes I’ve been on:
{Link to Podcast}

Either way, keep up the excellent work! Can’t wait for your next episode.

{Your name}”

9. Blow up your podcast traffic

There’s one thing every podcaster loves:


Should you want more of it, we have got just the email template for you.

Podcasts live and die by the quality of guests you offer your listeners, and that means that you have to make a list (pretty similar to the one you made to guest on a podcast) of people in your industry who move the needle.

Once you have that list, send this email, which you’ll notice is pretty similar to the one you sent out asking to be a guest on a podcast:

Hey [name]!

I’m a HUGE fan of your podcast. I especially liked [episode] because [takeaway or comment].

You consistently put out the best podcasts I’ve ever heard, and that’s why I’m reaching out to you. I’d really like to be a guest on your show.

[Quick about you, why you’d be a good guest. Link to an about page on your site.]

(Optional) To give you a better idea of what I’m like on the mic, here are a few other podcast episodes I’ve been on:

[Link to Podcast]

Either way, keep up the great work! Can’t wait for your next episode.


[Your name and title]

And by the way, if you’ve already been a guest on a podcast, you should start with that person first when looking for guests.

And if you need a bigger response from influencers, then fire this off:

“Hey {their name},

I noticed you are really attracted to {topic}. I’d even wager to say you’re something of a guru.

I was asking yourself if you’d mind listening to my most recent podcast episode about {topic}:

It’s only X minutes long.

Might you please give me a little feedback on the episode? I’d really appreciate you leaving a comment.

Either way, keep up the great work.

{your name}”

If they respond, listen, and comment, their numbers will inflate your numbers too.

10. Get genuine survey data with this template

Data-driven posts are much of the most linked to & shared content on the net.

Even in the event, you are not writing a post, survey results can assist you grasp a lot about your clients. They can strengthen your advertising, advertising, conversion copywriting, and the all-necessary customer experience.

The issue lies in getting folks to take the damn survey. You are compelled to find potential participants, then find a technique to get them to donate a few minutes of their time.

Nonetheless, where there’s a will, there is a way. Let thy will be done with this email:

“Hey, {their name},

I’m reaching out since I recognized {something associated, like their interest in your topic}.

It seems like you genuinely know your stuff.

In fact, I’d really love to get your input on {topic}. I put together a survey to be able to {reason}.

Might you please spare a couple of minutes to take the survey so I can get your insight?

Either way, thanks for your time.

{your name}”

11. Loads of feedback and product reviews

If you are in the eCommerce world, product reviews are hugely important.

They increase your sales, give you fodder for your social media advertisements, and increase your ego (we can all use that, right?)…to share nothing of the truth that 82% of Americans under 50 consistently, practically in the main, or from time to time check evaluations before making a purchase.

Grab your email list of shoppers and fire off this email:

“Hey, {their name},

Thanks once more for ordering {product} from {your site}!

You helped us {accomplish an aim, like hitting an income level or selling X product}.

Would you mind helping us accomplish one more aim?

We’re trying to {get X product evaluations, end up in the hands of X individuals, and so on.}. To do that, we need you to leave a product evaluation of your recent purchase.

It only takes 30 seconds. You can leave a review here:

Thank you – your assessment indicates a lot to us.

(Optional) As an added bonus we’ll give you {discount/freebie} for reviewing.

{your name}”

12. Warm your sales leads

The problem with cold emailing in sales is that it’s, well, cold.

These men and women probably don’t know you or your company even exist. Then you are asking them out of the blue to get something. Not an easy sell.

That’s why it’s fantastic at the beginning a nice, lead-warming email. The kind that nurtures a relationship.

Use LinkedIn to see when a prospect gets a round of funding, a promotion, or other accomplishments. Follow them on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram and take note of when they post about something intriguing or impressive that just happened to them. Then, send them this:

“Hey, {their name},

Congratulations on your recent {round of funding/promotion/accomplishment/etc}.

What you are doing is going to impact {their industry} in a considerable way.

I look forward to seeing how you increase it and what you do subsequently.

{your name}”

It sets the stage to cultivate a closer connection. It engages. Even if they do not respond to this first email, it makes your name that far more recognizable once you send the next one.

Here’s another example that gets right to the point by offering immediate value:

Hi [name],

I hope this note finds you well.

I’ve been working for a company called [your company name] that specializes in [describe your company’s products or services].

In thinking about your role at [recipient’s company], I thought there might be a good fit for your group.

Our [specific product or service] has garnered a lot of attention in the marketplace and I think it’s something that your organization might see immediate value in.

Can you help me get in contact with the right decision-maker?


[your name and title]

13. Be liked by your sales prospects

You often would not ask somebody you just met for a favor. So why come out of the gate asking for a sale or contact info in your first cold email?

This really is yet another nurturing email to create rapport. Find any way you could help a potential client, such as worldwide web design advice, then let them know about it.

Like this template, courtesy of HubSpot:

“Hey, {their name}!

Your site’s design is incredible! The visuals genuinely boost your message plus the content compels action. I have forwarded it to a couple of my contacts who I think might benefit from your services.

When I was looking into your site, though, I recognised a mistake made re: search engine optimization. It is a reasonably easy fix. Would you like me to write it up so that you can share it with your web team? If this is a priority, I can also get on a call.

{Your name}”

Make yourself not just known, but invaluable. The kind of friend we all want.

14. Warm them up and sell them hard

Now that you’ve warmed up those cold leads, it’s time to ask for the sale. Or for the contact data for the person who has the authority to purchase.

Here’s a template for that:

“Hey, {their name},

I hope you are doing well. I see you have {published a post, done something interesting}. Good stuff!

I was doing a few study this morning and accepted you {have a want for our product/aren’t doing X/could benefit from Y}.

I really sell {product or service} that can help you with that.

(Optional) Are you able to point me in the direction of {sales department/person who handles purchasing}? I promise to be brief and helpful.

Either way, keep up the wonderful work! And let me know if there’s something I can do to {help you with goal}.
{your name}”

15. Get prospects on the phone with ease

What if your product or service is more intricate and cannot be sold in an easy email?

You need to get those prospects on the telephone. & I’ve just the trick for that, too:

“Hey, {their name},

I hope you are doing well. I see you have {published a post, done something interesting}. Excellent stuff!

I was doing several investigations this morning and approved you {have a need for our product/are not doing X/could benefit from Y}.

My company in fact works with men and women like you to help them acquire {goal}.

Would you be considering a brief call to see if we’re able to assist you to grow your business? I promise to take up no more than 15 minutes.

Let me know if you are accessible at:

{Date & Time}
{Date & Time}
{Date & Time}

Either way, keep up the amazing work.

{your name}”

16. Phone call follow-up email to win prospects

You got them on the phone and they appear promising. Now it is time to lay down the finishing touch. Send this email:

“Hi {their name},

It was amazing chatting with you earlier today and studying more about how you {role} at {company}.

I realize the concerns you are facing with {challenges discussed} and how they make it harder to {do X outlined in call}.

As talked about, I have attached more data about our resources & how we can allow you {achieve a goal} and fix {business problem}.

Let me know in the event you have any further questions and I’d be more than glad to chat once more or follow up with an email. If not, I look forward to talking once more on {date & time}.

{your name}”

Parting Words of Advice

Cold email outreach is one of the best approaches you can make to get shares, interviews, & sales. They just work so well!

With these outreach templates, you will be way out in front of the competition in a fraction of the time.

Oh, and one last tip…

If they do not answer your first email, do not give up!

As a rule, follow up. and often. Most acceptances happen in the follow-up.

Usually, individuals are just busy that week or meant to respond and just forgot.

What do you say?

The resident guest blogging master recommends you just resend the precise same email just as if they never got the very first one. This really is due to the fact sending a follow-up telling them they missed the last one can come off as disrespectful.

Andy recommends you don’t follow up more than twice. I follow up three or four times myself. The choice is yours. A lot of successful people advocate continuing to follow up with value-added emails until you get a response.

Now go get your hustle on and grow your business like never before with these outreach email templates.