As you explore our platform, you might seek to employ SSH for server customization or utilize WP-CLI  to modify your server settings.

For security reasons, we’ve implemented SSH access that requires an SSH key.

This guide will assist you in generating and adding your SSH key to connect to a server.

You’ll only need a Mac or Linux operating system for this process.

Using SSH Key to Connect to Server

If you prefer a visual guide, here’s a video demonstrating the process.

Alternatively, continue with the written guide below.

Step 1: Launch Terminal

Open Terminal by clicking the finder magnifying glass in the top right corner, typing “terminal,” and selecting the application.

Step 2: Generate Your Key

In the Terminal window, type “ssh-keygen -t rsa” and press Enter. You’ll be prompted to specify a path to save the key. Simply press Enter to accept the default path.

Optionally, set a passphrase for added security.

Once completed, your key will be generated.

Step 3: View Your Public Key

Navigate to the .ssh directory by entering “cd .ssh” and then list the files using “ls.” You’ll see two files: id_rsa (private key) and (public key).

Use “cat” to display your public key, which is safe to upload.

Copy the key to your clipboard.

Step 4: Upload to Pressillion

Access your settings by clicking your name in the top right corner.

Navigate to SSH Keys, and on the “New SSH Key” screen, input a name, paste the public key copied in step 3, and click “Add Key.”

adding ssh keys

add ssh key in terminal

Step 5: Push the Key to Your Server

On the Pressillion platform, navigate to your server.

Select the SSH tab on the left and then the key from the list and add it to your server.

Refer to this article for detailed instructions on adding and removing keys from your server.

Step 6: Using SSH to Connect to Your Server as Root

In Terminal, type “ssh root@serveripaddress” and press Enter. You may receive an “authenticity” message, indicating your workstation’s first connection to the server.

Type “yes” and press Enter.

You’ll then be connected to your server and can execute any WP-CLI command.